・Buddy Spicher American Samler ・Tom Chapin Let Me~ ・Tim Obrien Hard year Blues ・Peter Rowan Medicine Trail ・Phil Salazar Band ・Mason Williams Fresh Fish ・Cathy Winter Travelling Home ・Chuck Suchy Much to Share ・New Grass Revival When the Storm~ ・New Grass Revival Common Wealth ・New Grass Revival S/T ・New Grass Revival Too Late~ ・David Holt Reel & Rock ・Doug Dillard Band Whats That? ・Doug Dillard Band Home Comming~ ・Hot Rize In Concert ・Tom Paxton Live ・Tom Paxton And Lovin You ・Deborah Silverstein Around the Next Bend ・Luke Baldwin Tattoo on the Chest ・Jan Marra These Crazy Years ※すべてUSオリジナル盤